how to use prototype pageΒΆ

1. After pressing Prototype link on homepage, you will get to idea2Life prototype page.

Screen shot for idea2Life camera screen

2. Arrange printed templates on table or metal surface according to your desired webpage design.

Screen shot for idea2Life camera screen

3. Point camera towards printed templates and take picture by clicking on camera icon in control panel.

Control panel for idea2Life take picture screen

4. idea2Life will automatically generate a new webpage based on laid out components.

arrow image arrow image Result Image After Taking Picture

This step will automatically generate new page which you can edit using these instructions How to customize generated pages

5. Press second play icon button if you want to continue taking picture and want to generate more pages

Control panel for idea2Life take picture screen

6. Press third save icon button if you want to save currently generated template for customization later.

Control panel for idea2Life take picture screen

7. Press fourth Minimize button if you want to hide this control panel and want to see generated page without control panel obstructing it.

Control panel for idea2Life take picture screen
  1. Press fifth Home button if you want to return to homepage.

Control panel for idea2Life take picture screen

9. Press optional upload image button if instead of taking picture using camera you want to upload already clicked image stored on desktop/tablet for page generation. This optional icon will only be visible if you open prototype page using debug option. Debug idea2Life prototype page

Control panel for idea2Life take picture screen